name choice It was once a young man who did not know what dad wanted him - to be accountants. He studied broke off his studies, worked for many years as a gas station attendant, as a postman. One day, he was almost forty and assistant in an advertising agency, he remembered a name: "Cat's Feast. This food was a big sales success.
What did the now no longer so very young man? He announced. He borrowed money and bought a car. He went to companies in Germany and said: "I can make up names." This was greeted with much derision. But one day someone wanted to buy a name with him, so it came to the "Opel Vectra".
now is
Manfred Gotta long as "brand guru" and "branding guru", has invented names such as Cayenne and Twingo, and smart Megaperls. As he started in the eighties, he was still laughed at by most. But he has now long gone take care of new jobs that come into the house all by itself.
"I can make up names." Would you dare to familiar with such a capability independently? Would you stick with it, despite all the laughter, until the breakthrough come? I wish we would all do. Mr.
Gotta has found his calling - and had the courage to follow her.