Monday, January 31, 2011

Fre Dbz Yaoi Doujinshi

nurse call


walk the pain
into oblivion
beug never
humble views

follow the South track
the scent of cypress
drawn seaward with
of swallows lucky

closable ears
the foggy cold, threatening affliction of the North
you no longer

orange blossom
songs did you once conspired
drum strengthen your swing and pull the swallows behind

veredit © 2008

Safe Creative #1101318380842

... this is a Re-Post in November 2008 , it was time to call for this light even bring again to light ...


A Date With Big Boobs

evacuation of the last occupied house in Berlin in the unlawful Liebig Strasse 14, 2100 police officers on the wrong track?

"The evacuation of enforcement should not be used if a third party who is not attached to the enforcement of this title still in its enforcement by name, is in possession of the leased property is. This is true even if the suspect had possession of the third party has been given only to thwart the eviction, "said the Federal High Court in civil matters having Decision of 14.08.2008 on case no. I ZB 39/08
is Thus, it is definitely quite simply, one to be prevented by the bailiff announced eviction. The a or other colleague had his displeasure already expressed, but as an institution of justice, we know, of course, the benefits of the separation of powers and a functioning rule of law to .
On Wednesday 2 February of 2011, a bailiff in the biggest police operation since 1 May 2010 with the help of 2100 Polizbeamten the evacuation of the last house in Berlin bestzten perform. 13 used hundreds from other states were required to enforce law and order.

see law and order conditions of all the inhabitants of the Liebig Strasse 14 on your side, because the competent bailiff has already been informed that no evacuation title there against the inhabitants of the occupied house. How to read the blog " Liebig14 ", aims to set out in the securities clearing people for many years no longer live in the occupied house was rented and owner of the club "Liebig14 eV.

I therefore believe the Berlin party leader of the CDU, Frank Henkel, who speaks out against the scare tactics of violence in Berlin and confesses: "Law and order must be enforced in our city."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Malaysia Swim Underwear

LG Braunschweig: If the error to call in trademark law the wrong court, with two requests for postponement in the disposal process ...

.. is combined, you can escape to the bar the claim of the principal itself perhaps the fact that his mistake can not be poured in, Shape, but the withdrawal of the request for an interim injunction at the hearing, "because the court has indicated, that reject the application would.

why the matter would be unsuccessful, is where an application for withdrawal of course nowhere and that's a lot for your colleagues. The Landgericht Braunschweig had already in advance a notice to refute the urgency for a second transfer request, where fast-track but the appointment fee would be the colleague probably not be missed. Thank you.

He will now know that under § 5 of the Regulation governing powers in the judiciary and the administration of justice ( ZustVO Justice ) of 18 December 2009 Niedesachsen in the District Court of Braunschweig for districts of all district courts for the Patents, utility models, topography protection, the design, the Community design, the Trademarks, Community Trademarks and the Plant Variety Protection disputes, the disputes relating to Community plant variety protection and disputes relating to the Protection of the Olympic emblem and Olympic titles is responsible - not the district court of Hannover .

A decision would have involved, therefore, perhaps the following:

Despite those resulting from invocation of the wrong court delay the plaintiff requested a transfer of that date means which the court by assignment on 01/18/2011 and granted. While the Defendant after the warning only 5 days left to submit srafbewehrten desist were left, then a further delay seems unacceptable for 6 days.

Finally, the applicant requested, despite the invocation of the wrong caused by court delays and the postponement caused by the first delay, a further transfer of the scheduled hearing date, which was by the court by assignment on the 01/26/2011 but was granted. Another 8 days elapsed without the allegedly important Eilrechtsschutz.

This has indicated the plaintiff by its own procedural behavior him that the matter at any rate at present is not urgent, so urgent that the presumption of § 12 para 2 UWG be regarded as refuted.

was similar to the already OLG Hamm, Judgement of 30.06.2009 with the file number: 4 U 74/09 expressed with only one transfer request, or without any delays. provide two transfer requests for referral to the wrong court in a disposal method, however, are a shimmering jewel lawyer's craft, the well must also issue in future no judge in his written vote in Germany.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Good Are The Yamaha Exciter Snowmobiles

IMAGE quote: "We are now taking out the tile man, bring your patient to safety, it could be that of the killing."

I think after all my breath when I read that according to image information, the therapist of the alleged victim, Dr. Guenter Seidel, a call of the Senate President of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe on the day of release Kachelmanns allegedly reported that he dated President had received the warning contained in the title. This article promises trouble.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Emulator Trade Pokemon Mac

vanitas pure - or thought at the sight of a dead seagull on the beach


at the end covers the sea
with soft cloths
the last remains of life
comforting to

thus closing the circle
and opens it to tomorrow
not ask for reasonable
simply says: It was!

veredit ©

. South-southwest

Best Mound And Blade Mods

Miracle in the German procedural law - the profit hopeless Processes with the help of a knowledgeable expert committee of the Catholic Church

'm occasion of the beatification process of Pope John Paul II, I stumbled upon the formal requirements for the initiation of a beatification process. I was amazed that even the belief in God on form Tentacles have grown and someone before he can become a saint, only to be saved. That reminds me away to the first and second legal state examination - the second one's not without the former. can be successfully saved only if, among the faithful the "reputation of sanctity" (fama sanctitatis) and "Call of the miracles" (fama signorum) enjoys.

seems to me the reputation of sanctity contours, but the second condition let me sit up. Indeed, the bliss is namely the induction requires a miracle, that is an event which contradicts human reason and experience and the laws of nature and history. This approach is for a lawyer, the struggling within the framework of processes supported by evidence in the preliminary injunctive relief in even only believable indicia teaches an exciting thing. How about, away from dominant or to try and probability bordering on certainty once the miracle in the German procedural law and the proof of church lawyers and expert commissions of the Catholic Church to leave?

applications would be about the transferred amount of money but never arrived to meet a payment obligation, without any external precipitating the tooth just before striking the clenched fist in the direction of a Police Formation unexplained flying ball of fire during the annual Maikrawalle, without the triggering event and the speedometer in IT Law often disappearing e-mails. In short: Any deviations adequate causal action sequences come as a surprise and could be considered a process in a hopeless position, business, yet.

a conclusion about a considerable number of miracles allows the look in a dictionary saints, each there to-find saint should be responsible for more than a miracle. provide that the miracles in the range of normal life can actually has a lot to find out without much difficulty, because illuminating fragments of saints and candidates based on their wonders are easy to find, such as

first to Clemens August Graf von Galen: "The Vatican's Congregation had decided unanimously that the cathedral of the diocese alleged healing process is to evaluate the young Indonesian students Henrikus Nahak in 1995 to medically inexplicable and a theological point of view as a miracle."

second to Eustace Kugler: "In June there from the Commission of Experts, which deals with the miracle process, a positive verdict on the alleged miracle, which is attributed to the Venerable Eustace Kugler believes the expert is the serious road accident. with total loss of the vehicle suffered by the person concerned without significant subjective and objective medical consequences, must be regarded as an extraordinary incident, which with natural criteria can not be explained "

third to John Paul II:".'s The Miracles the healing of the French nun Marie Simon-Pierre, who suffered from Parkinson's disease. She was suddenly freed from the disease after he was begged John Paul II in the months after his death in prayers for help. After she had the night before praying to John Paul and asked him for healing, she was on the morning of 3 June 2005 awakened with the feeling of being reborn, "said the 49-year-old Marie Simon-Pierre."

course, there are more such examples and thus it's probably for their traditional dishes and lawyers at the time to turn away from the one-dimensional view of overwhelming odds and in the German procedural law, with a little imagination and the miracle in the circle of opportunity "attack - and defense capabilities to include. If in doubt, the necessary proof could succeed with the help of an expert commission of the Vatican's Congregation.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Installations For Onyx Tiles

warnings shake the pillars of the earth "- Lawyers urge for Frommer Waldorf Universum Film GmbH in Munich from

"The Pillars of the Earth" (Part 1), (Part 2) and (part 3), (TV series), are the subject of warnings by lawyers Waldorf Frommer from Munich. According to the terms of warning should be given within a period of less than 7 days, a cease and desist letter and the required payment amount of EUR 1878, - (lawyer costs EUR 778, - and damages EUR 1.100, -) in less than 2 weeks are paid. Tasty is made with the Purchase of Inaussichtstellung less legal fees if they cooperated, and no 'significant other processing costs "caused. If that one does not otherwise more favorable ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Western Chiakns Gropes Woman On Bus



lichtbegleitet said the warm
the sleeping wide
covers fresh green cloths

weaves, lures, whispers
premature unruly
we should dare
lips from spring

veredit ©


Alexandria Bangbros Feb 24 02

Jan Delay: moving around" for the Jan Soul "serious foul play? Warning for the Universal Music GmbH by the firm quickly

Using file sharing has been made to the above album available for download be. The warning except for the assertion of claims of access and compensation for damages, a settlement proposal is presented by which to ensure timely payment of EUR 1.200, - could be settled the matter. In addition to the completion of the comparison to the attached declaration of discontinuance to be signed.

It also follows a decision by the Cologne Regional Court gem. § 101 para 9 Copyright Act, which in addition to the album warned off the albums "Sido - Aggro Berlin" - is the love Semino Rossi "," Tokio Hotel - Humanoid (German Edition) "," Tokio Hotel (English Edition) "Element of Crime - Always there where you are," Christina Striker - unplugged MTV in New York "," Rihanna - - In this city, "" Sportfreunde Stiller Rated R, "" Lady Gaga - The Fame, Lady Gaga - The Fame, "and" Miscellaneous - Zweiohrküken, "are . The fact that the mentioned artists together to plan the implementation of a benefit concert for the benefit of innocent Abmahnopfer the music industry, not even a rumor.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Time Warner Remote With Samsung Dvr Player

childish word creation in the IT age, "Wirklichkeitsverpasser"

My sons love to play with the computer. From discussions accompanied in this context is "Allowed . The first to what and how long I always declare my position and it seems a lot to have arrived, because the decision between virtual and "real" game is in daylight regularly for the benefit of true life. First and foremost, football, cycling and fighting. From the computer games get no muscles, which stands to them. But the knowledge of the higher value of experiences outside of the computer is now occupied. In a supermarket shopping sits a boy the same age, lost in thought in the cart and play a mobile game. It is patterned short and - for the boy unnoticed - titled "Wirklichkeitsverpasser" function. Something strictly because of the limited world of experience in the supermarket but the word Wirklichkeitsverpasser like me. Because of the time needed for this blog, I should remember that the word good.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Final Fantasy 1&2 Dawn Of Souls Gameshark

Fragrant violins and puzzles dust


material slips - he is entwagt
and means of Geiger's smells nice too.
The press wrinkles comedy feels like if -
Tau applauded away - bedächtigt minaret.

Schockruh due puzzle dust - moves
chains, twisting.
Lunch is released snoozing only
believe who it is understood and not otherwise.

exaggerated respect and roams
the wrinkled charm, believe
above - withdraw the funds Error:
How? When? although he screwed ...

Paketgetrieb 'ne - are already in the core better. But
material slips - ohn 'sir
and it follows that - guess what?
exactly: it is the mystery dust.

veredit ©


Ask The Dr Medical Trolley

From the sunny side of life as a lawyer specializing in IT Law: The self-display without penalty action

The Forum party answers out of trouble three times in the name of a third party unpopular and wrong password to block onwards, so that member's account to the short term. Frightened by his own infamy not only an immediate self-disclosure is due to spy out data acc. § 202a StGB with the competent public prosecutor, but also the order for criminal defense. The application for adjustment of proceedings where the existence of an objective and subjective offense, the prosecutor meets only three days later and the client pays the bill immediately.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Does My Upper Stomach Flutter

colors hunger


in all the brilliant attractions
the masses, as the shroud
the old year
cover with stars, diamonds
not stingy -

I miss

veredit ©


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bottomless Women Kitchen

Haiku 01-01-11


in the frost-wind of the trees creaking
ice load my breath fog

veredit ©

modified version thanks very good work in the common text luxarium -!
many thanks to Gabriele and Klaus
