is Thus, it is definitely quite simply, one to be prevented by the bailiff announced eviction. The a or other colleague had his displeasure already expressed, but as an institution of justice, we know, of course, the benefits of the separation of powers and a functioning rule of law to .
On Wednesday 2 February of 2011, a bailiff in the biggest police operation since 1 May 2010 with the help of 2100 Polizbeamten the evacuation of the last house in Berlin bestzten perform. 13 used hundreds from other states were required to enforce law and order.
see law and order conditions of all the inhabitants of the Liebig Strasse 14 on your side, because the competent bailiff has already been informed that no evacuation title there against the inhabitants of the occupied house. How to read the blog " Liebig14 ", aims to set out in the securities clearing people for many years no longer live in the occupied house was rented and owner of the club "Liebig14 eV.
I therefore believe the Berlin party leader of the CDU, Frank Henkel, who speaks out against the scare tactics of violence in Berlin and confesses: "Law and order must be enforced in our city."
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