• Similarly, recommended for students and trainees: interactive video learning platform http://www.sofatutor.com/
• instructional videos on the net: an alternative and cost effective form of learning for the future
giftedness Press Berlin, 28 February 2011 - As part of this year's Education Fair Didacta in Stuttgart, the German Education Media Award "digita 2011" at the Berlin video learning portal sofatutor (www.sofatutor.com) awarded. The jury saw the light of the large sphere for students Students and apprentices the particular application potential of sofatutor that supports using the tools of Web 2.0, the From and learning together in a broad range of subjects.
convinced the makers of sofatutor the eight-member panel of experts with the concept of an interactive video learning platform. The tuition offered by the Berlin startups combined with social media components, audio-visual media and is always available online. Thus, it is the jury ruling a remarkable informal complement to conventional formal education.
There are now nearly 4,500 of these learning lessons. In addition to natural science and mathematics, are found numerous films in the humanities, but also to study subjects such as business administration or computer science. Each user can also create their own educational films. Experts review each learning content and educational video regarding the accuracy, before it is published online.
"Whether at the last minute, to prepare for Abi-or MSA-testing or long term to daily learning: With the combination of learning videos, followed by short tests and sharing in groups can be reached sofatutor in different learning situations very good learning outcomes. "said Stephan Bayer, co-founder and Managing Director the sofatutor Inc. "We are pleased with our quality but affordable education our part to contribute to good grades and to thank the jury to have been rewarded for our idea. We also thank our video producers, the sofatutor content with their demanding, but not boring learning to make films as varied and diverse. "
The German Education Media Award "digita" becomes the 16th this year Given time. Since 1995, the organizers will award the "digital" teaching and learning, distinguished by outstanding teaching and teaching methods, optimal use of digital technologies and compelling graphic design.
About sofatutor: sofatutor.com with 16,000 users is the largest interactive video learning platform in the German-speaking countries and illustrates in many ways curriculum from grade level 5 The short educational films are supplemented by interactive quizzes and comments and are the ideal companions for lessons, homework, tuition and exam revision. There are now nearly 4,500 ten-minute video on the platform. sofatutor.com offers for every learning situation, a terminable at any time for a subscription to twelve months from seven euros per month. The videos are produced by teachers, former teachers, tutors, but also by students and students who are involved in click-through on the revenue. Experts review each learning content and educational video regarding the accuracy, before it is published online. The startup sofatutor GmbH was founded in 2008 by Bayer and Andreas Stephan Spading in Berlin. For more information http://www.sofatutor.com/
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Mashup Communications
Nora Feist
+49.30.8321 1975
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10245 Berlin
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