there are a clean loo - not as one in Japan, opening with remote , hot water, music and more more amenities -
furthermore the attraction direct route to the distance to be, must therefore also no detours chamber t'll s, and third,
the excavations just visit , you mus rose s up any and Runte r, and
is to be seen, regardless of its historical n value photogenic;
meet this needs to be sbeital , for the first time we met the day that our friends from the Far East [ clip ].
were impressive in sbeitla font 2, not as small as ours, but ancient, into which one went in as a whole, together with the pastors,
Even the sunset of the remains of the ancient sandstone buildings glow had was very nice [ clip ], so nice was the 1.30 Euro you wanted to ask for a small Sackerl chips - and those who already 4 weeks in the blazing sun hindarben on.
chips the way, there's indeed something to tell about that later.
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