Monday, November 5, 2007

Stop Someone Seeing My Friends

Douz - it is evening on camel's - it was then a dromedary ;-)

finish at night, it was douz where we should spend the night in the hotel touareg. Previously, however, a kamel-/bzw. dromedarritt - in bio I was never good at school ;-) - to experience the sunset in the desert.
Unfortunately the sun does not really waiting on us, we had about 20 minutes to turn too late, so was the adventure of climbing of the animal, and the looming sunset together so close that this increased because of the attention, who wants to fly down from the already high level of creature not to enjoy really was.
After all had survived the mount, we went ric
htung first dunes, no more than 1 to 1.5 meters high. Contrary Kamen us critters caravans [ clip ] occupied by tourists, who were on the way back. The quiet of the desert and the peculiar sounds of the driver and critters we could not really enjoy, as well as an Italian place before a trike-flight offers - not for connoisseurs of the scene, the bowls are the 2-seater with a lawn mower motor on a triangular cloth companion flying through the air, which before nightfall turned his round - the runway had no belechtung for night excursions, would otherwise have flown at night - "cash as cash can." What relates to enjoy the quiet that had mounted on his trike even a police siren, which during the flight howl - there's things that you do not believe, either, they have been personally experienced.

our trip took about 15 minutes once to an abrupt end, we had to dismount, which drifted down with their critters in the sand and we stood there and waited on the send us things. Then came
also 2 dark horses on touareg-styled horse riding, that duty could gegen1 dinar (Euronen = 0.6) photograph. of about about it, a souvenir was another dealer in the dunes on the moped and tried hnweg traced the way back waiting to sell tourists touareg-cloths, and succeeded him unique.

has thus been beneficial to pause for the native and we started way back with the adventurous sit again viech [pretty stubborn sometimes => clip ]. That means stop, first you fly forward as the hind legs are extended, then again immediately after backward, and the front part of the viech would like to take home - and whoosh, already was a lady from our round the sand dunes closer than the saddle, where they really should sit. The second time also worked again with help secure handles body parts in key domestic and install the lady in the dark, we rocked all hoping the connection back to orthopäden no need for the starting point.


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