Minister, circulated in the German media public since last week, the accusation that your thesis is contrary to essential principles of free science.
"The allegation that my dissertation is a plagiarism, is absurd."
Be honest , You seriously suggesting the allegations against you were plucked from the air?
"I wrote my dissertation is not plagiarism."
you bite into a little conspicuous firmly to the word plagiarism. Should we not refer to the mass adoption of foreign texts into his own thesis as an illusion?
"It was deliberately misled at any time or aware of the authorship is not indicated. I say this quite deliberately because I had at the weekend, even after I have seen this work once more intensively find that I have made serious errors .
That sounds a little different now than at the beginning of our conversation. The phrase "grave error" but the laminated surely deliberate deception in the preparation of your dissertation. Finally, you also have foreign text as a separate evaluation shown.
"I did not cheat on purpose." "I did not realize this mistake."
Minister, do not be so stubborn. They show some insight.
"I have written this work themselves. I stand by it, but I am also available to the nonsense that I have written."
issues we unlike times. How is it to this "nonsense" come from? You stand still all the literature in University and parliament for their scientific work available?
"I went there a few times, have also been using the library, but was disillusioned by nutrition and dressing, so to speak." "The ivory tower Moderate I have found so blatant that I had no energy to continue that."
An open Word, Minister. Did you have to overcome, unless the foreign passages illegal to keep them in your thesis?
"I have experienced as a large underground freedom." "A situation in which one is responsible for everything ourselves."
Then you can follow, then, that there are not only intellectual circles but also a majority of the population of an incomprehensible disregard for the sense of justice? If you do not take the responsibility?
"I leave the other side of their feelings and respect the feelings, but I do not own me."
you justify your behavior with your personal situation and also plays the political survival of your party a role? Do you the "stupid" sorry you feel remorse?
"In the political sphere, in the context of our struggles are not the terms."
Minister, I Thank you for your time.
. (Note: The questions in this collage are invented, the answers found in other conversations, the first five responses were prepared by Karl Theodor Freiherr von Guttenberg, and the last four answers of Christian thought.)
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