Now Alice Schwarzer has also denied in court to testify. Just as the accused friendliness saves money. The individual right to remain silent, of course, lead her from different standards. While the right to refuse testimony of Mr. Kachelmann in § 136 Code of Criminal Procedure finds, we get the right to refuse testimony of Mrs. Black from § 53 para 1 sentence 5 Code of Criminal Procedure.
Maybe put this little criminal proceedings self-experiment with Mrs. Black the answer, after it on her blog with the body positioned in a prominent question "Why Kachelmann silent in court so persistent? The alleged victim will be screened to the core" so desperate on the lookout.
If not, I say it quite openly, at least for the readers: it is the use of a right conferred by the Code of Criminal Procedure, why you take a right to claim for themselves, at least in the criminal procedure never requires a more extensive discussion.
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