giftedness Press What few consumers know: Not cars and Trucks are the biggest CO2 offenders, but heating and hot water are due to their high energy consumption for the Lion's share of global CO2 emissions responsible. Each household uses about 90 percent of its total energy needs for heating and hot water. Know so many do, that the combined supply of hot water several times the greenhouse gas CO2 causes than any other electrical appliances in the home. The use of modern water-saving shower is so easy and effective way to conserve energy and water costs and to improve personal CO2 footprint.
The daily shower is for most people a hygienic self-evident. By conventional shower heads running at an average shower of three minutes to 60 liters of water. For a family of four means an annual water consumption of 80,000 liters. To warm to room temperature to the amount of water, approximately 2600 kWh of electricity are required. With a water-saving shower can not only save water at least 40 percent more expensive but energy - in the case of the four-member family consumes about 1,000 kWh per year less.
If you consider that German power plants emit for each kilowatt hour of electricity an average of 650 grams of CO2, saving a single shower, the CO2 emissions of the family reduced by 650 kilograms. An interesting comparison, if the family of four all light bulbs with energy saving bulbs, replaced
were only about 250 pounds of CO2 saved per year - less than half. Who in the household so subtly - but highly effective - would do something for the environment and household budgets should rely on water-saving products without sacrificing the creature comforts and the shower have fun. Dermatologists noted in skin investigators that shower heads hurt with a strong jet of the skin markedly over time. Thus, their recommendation, with a gentle and soft water jet is to use for the skin.
Only a few steps and low Capital costs sufficient to large quantities of climate killer CO2. A modern water-saving shower of PEJOSAN AQUA BLUE ECO makes it possible to shower comfortably warm, while also reducing the energy and water consumption by up to 50 percent. The money will disappear thanks to intelligent technology, not useless in the runoff, but is washed into the pockets of consumers - in a four-person household saves more than 1,000 € a year incl.der drinking water by PEJOSAN AQUA dynamic.
A water-saving shower pays for itself within a few weeks. Not only in the shower, water, energy and CO2 saved: Who, for example, his Taps with the PEJOSAN ECO AQUA BLUE equips system, a personal contribution to environmental protection. Furthermore, given the tap water using PEJOSAN Dynamisierungstechnik source water quality. No more crate dragging and therefore saving of CO2 in bottles for transport from A B! By 2080, 3.2 billion people around the world to deal with dangerous drinking water scarcity will have to. Take preventive action now and save!
The present world water consumption is 12.5 million gallons per day!
More information can be found at: or for questions
An initiative of the JTB International Group Bolzano Italy and Germany PEJOSAN . "The source of fresh, sparkling from the tap a special treat and tasty on the table."
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